Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Cyberbullying Is A Recent Problem Among Youths And Their...
Cyberbullying has become a recent problem among youths and their families. Children go online, and through social media are harassed, degraded, and ostracized, usually by their classmates. This is an epidemic that needs to be stopped, but demanding the schools to do the bidding of other, more qualified individuals is not the way to fix the situation. Cyberbullying is not the school’s issue to solely handle because it happens out of their jurisdiction, it causes further issues for both parties, and there are better solutions to this problem other than a school suspension. Schools should focus on what happens in the school and on school grounds, not about what happens when the student goes home. The only reason schools should do something about cyberbully is if it happens on one of their computers or over their Wi-Fi. Moreover, students mainly do the cyberbullying, while on their devices at home, on their own Wi-Fi. This means that schools no longer have any jurisdiction or say so in what goes on in the student’s life after they step off of campus. This is because the responsibility lies with local authority and the child’s parents/guardians, not the school’s authority. The school’s main priority should be to provide quality education and a safe, productive environment for everyone on campus. Parents are responsible for their children while they are under their care and they are the people who must take action in lieu of their children, either going to law enforcement orShow MoreRelatedSocial Media Bullying And Cyberbullying1383 Words  | 6 Pagesincreasing problem in our society for some time, social media has made it possible to have access to individuals with no respite. There seems to be no escape from constant ridicule and body shaming, we are seeing an increase in many psychological issues not only in our young people but adults as well. I am going to attempt to share and explain to you how social media has a major rol l in how we view our body image as well as the role it plays in bullying. Social media bullying is called Cyberbullying. CyberbullyingRead MoreMaking Schools Safer From Bullying1510 Words  | 7 Pagesyou ever been bullied or witnessed anyone suffering from any form of bullying? If the answer is yes, then you should know the negative feeling that is created from it. The Youth Internet Safety Survey, conducted by the Crimes against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, found that eight percent of the youth surveyed had experienced and reported some form of harassment.†An old familiar saying is that â€Å"Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me†, whichRead MoreCyber Bullying Among Our Children1617 Words  | 7 Pagesacknowledge that their words can cause unintentional harm. Ones intentions, accompanying the state of their behavior, are important factors in deciding whether or not cyberbullying occurred. Occasionally being mean is accidental, but when kids use the Internet and cell phones to purposely upset someone else over and over, thats cyberbullying. Advice kids to establish affinity for others. Talk to your kids and explain to them that the Internet is a community that only operates well when all of its citizensRead MoreBully Report Bshs 325861 Words  | 4 PagesBullying during adolescence has been a major issue in every community. Bullying can happen in three known forms; direct, indirect, and cyber. Both gender and sexual orientation are associated with all forms of bullying. Bullying affects self-esteem and family cohesion. Bullying affects a person physically, mentally, and emotionally. During adolescence, people go through a developmental process that is very fragile and easily manipulated. Bullying steals a person’s identity. If bullying is present duringRead MoreBullying : A Serious Social Problem886 Words  | 4 PagesFormerly thought to be just a normal aspect of growing up, bullying in schools is increasingly being recognized as a serious social problem that should be met with organized preventative efforts to downsize it. Bullying commonly deals with three aspects such as the nature of its occurrence, the frequency it takes place, and the effects it can have on a person. While each instance is different for each person, one constant is that this is a uncomfortable situation for anyone to deal with. BullyingRead MoreThe Safety Of Adolescents While Using The Internet1635 Words  | 7 PagesThe Internet is quickly and widely diffusing into society as a whole, especially into families, as a result, a large proportion of adolescents have access to and make use of the Internet daily, (where adolescence refers to the teenage years of a person’s life). Statistically speaking, surveys conducted by the YISS (Youth Internet Safety Survey) state that, 95 percent of adolescents studied have used the internet at least once in their lives and 83 percent of the adolescents surveyed have access toRead MoreEssay on Effects of Bullying 1232 Words  | 5 Pagesof using an advantage over someone, such as strength or position of power, to force upon that individual the bully’s will. Bullying as a whole can be subdivided into categories; physical bullying, emotional bullying, parental bullying, and cyberbullying, among others. Physical bullying most generally occurs in schools when a student intimidates another student, whether it be to get their lunch money or just to impress the bully’s friends. Physical bullies almost always tend to instigate fights whic hRead MoreNegative Effects Of Bullying1232 Words  | 5 Pagescontinuing problem that has affected individuals from their childhood and continuing well into adulthood. Consequences of bullying are vast in their potential to negatively impact the person s physical, emotional, and psychological state of well being. The poor management of stress brought by the onset of bullying affects social health both short term and long term foreshadowing numerous potential risk factors and actions. Prevalent issues in victims include higher chances of mental health problems damagingRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects1411 Words  | 6 Pageslouder†has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologies is widening the way bully’s can torture their victims. The fact of the matter is, technology i s not going anywhere, so we need to figure out a way to put an end to cyber-bullies. Cyber-bullying is becoming a major problem and we all need to do our parts inRead MoreThe Social Issues Affecting Our Children1304 Words  | 6 PagesAn Introduction of the Topic One of the top social issues affecting our children in schools is bullying. In recent reports, one out of every four students reports being bullied during school (National Center for Education Statistics, 2015). Bullying is very important to me because I have been bullied through my schooling career. I remember how it was not only the bullies that made my time in elementary hard but also the bystanders that did nothing to stop them or stand up for me. This issue has definitely
Monday, May 18, 2020
Prompts That Support Instruction and Independence
Independence, completing a task or exhibiting a behavior without prompts or cues, is the gold standard of special education. The kind of support we give students to help them succeed in special education is called prompting. The level of support falls on a continuum, with the most invasive and furthest from independence, to the least invasive, or the closest to independence. The prompts at the least invasive end is also the easiest to fade, or slowly withdraw, until the child is accomplishing the task independently. The most severely cognitively, multiply or developmentally disabled students may need very high levels of what is called â€Å"hand over hand†support. Still, kids with specific learning disabilities who may have attention deficit disorder with some reading and math difficulties may need prompting to stay on task and complete tasks. They are just as prone to become â€Å"prompt dependent,†which may leave them incapable of achieving the gold standard: independence. Because of â€Å"prompt dependence†it’s important that a special educator understands how to work across the continuum, from hand over hand, the most invasive, to gestural prompts, the least invasive. As the teacher moves across the continuum, the teacher is â€Å"fading†prompts toward independence. We review the continuum here: Hand over Hand This is the most invasive of the prompts, and is often only required for the most physically disabled students. The teacher or coach may actually place his or her hand over the students hand. It isn’t necessarily just for the most physically disabled student: it works well with young students on the autism spectrum, older autistic students with unfamiliar tasks like sweeping, and even younger students with immature and undeveloped fine motor skills. Hand over hand can be faded by lightening your touch to a simple touch on the back of a hand or arm to guide the student though the task. Physical Prompts Hand over hand is a physical prompt, but physical prompts can include tapping the back of a hand, holding an elbow, or even pointing. Physical prompts may be accompanied by verbal prompts. As the verbal prompts stay in place, the teacher fades the physical prompt. Verbal Prompts These are most familiar. We tell the student what to do: sometimes step by step, sometimes with more detail. Of course, if we talk all the time, our prompts get ignored. You can also design verbal prompts to fade from most complete to least complete. Example: â€Å"Bradley, pick up the pencil. Bradley, put the point on the paper. Circle the correct answer. Good job, Bradley: Now, let’s do number 2. Find the correct answer, etc. . . .†Faded to: â€Å"Bradley, you have your pencil, your paper and we have done these before. Please circle each answer and put your pencil down when you are done.†Gestural These prompts should begin with a verbal prompt: they are easy to fade and are the least invasive. Be sure you don’t become so used to your verbal prompts that all you’re doing is running your mouth. Shorten those prompts and trust the gesture, whether it’s pointing, tapping or even winking. Be sure the student knows what you are requesting with the prompt. Gestural prompts are especially successful with kids with developmental or behavioral problems. Alex, who is featured in the article on making your own social narrative, sometimes forgot and would drool. I taught my wife, his teacher, to touch her chin with her forefinger to remind him: Soon all she had to do was move her hand a certain way, and he remembered. Visual Prompts These prompts can be paired with other prompts initially, and as they are faded, the simple visual prompt can remain. Typical (children without disabilities in general education programs) also benefit from visual prompts. Teachers have noted that children will reference the place on the wall where a graphic organizer for a specific skill used to be, noting that the mere act of remembering where the visual prompt was on the wall helps them remember the CONTENT of the prompt! Independence: The goal. The continuum: Hand over Hand -- Physicalâ€â€Verbalâ€â€Gesturalâ€â€Independence.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Report On Energy Industry - 1614 Words
Energy Industry Focus on Renewables Ian Baynes – BUS376A – Sustainable Marketing Green technology is booming, yet a worldwide decrease in green spending has taken place for a second year in a row. According to a report done by Frankfurt School and sponsored by Bloomberg Finance, worldwide green spending for the fiscal year 2013 was $216 billion. U.S. Spending alone peaked to $50.8 billion in 2011 (CNN), before dropping to its current level of $36 billion (Frankfurt). There is a treasure-trove of funding for green innovation and increased productivity. However, due to negative global economic conditions, companies are going to have to fight harder than ever for the decreasing availability of precious green dollars. This funding battle is†¦show more content†¦As renewable technologies continue to improve in functionality, availability, efficiency, affordability, and practicality, so does interest in the technology. People are starting to have practical access to new green technologies that were simply not viable in the past. This reality resonates with th e mainstream populace not because they can now save the world, but because they can also save themselves money at the same time. For example, solar panels are especially desirable because they can save the consumer money on their electricity bill. Washers that use recycled water from previous loads are increasingly desirable because they can save lots of water. Electric cars that can go over 250 miles on a charge--such as the Tesla--can save the consumer thousands of dollars in gas costs and offer practical, convenient, and cheap transportation. Convenience and viability have a huge role in turning sustainable renewable energy into a reality. Society has noticed the new reality of convenient sustainable technology and is willing to act. Technological Advances in renewable energy technology provide a promising outlook for what lies ahead. In this case, the ends of utilizing rare-earth metals, fossil fuels, and other finite resources may justify the means. A large hurdle corresponding to current renewable energy technologies is their
Social Support Learning and Development
Question: Discuss about the Social Support for Learning and Development. Answer: I was living in Saudi Arabia with my parents. I was dependent on my parents for everything. I had no ability of self-reliance as being a woman; I could do anything in my country. When, I moved to Canada for my higher studies, I gradually developed the quality of self-reliance and never looked down on myself. I believed that the quality of self-reliance would definitely help me in my nursing practice in the future. Thoughts I was happy that I had an excellent opportunity to study abroad and discover a real new world around me. At the same time, I was feeling pity for the women in my country that they had to rely on their parents for everything. They did not have a chance to develop the quality of self-reliance. I was happy realizing about the transformation between my old self and the new one. When I started staying in Canada alone in an apartment managing my bills and money, I inculcated the qualities of self-reliance and adaptive learning useful in my nursing practice as a patient adapts to ones disease and find a positive way to live with it. Evaluation After moving out of my country and staying alone in abroad, I developed the qualities of self-reliance and believed that I was capable of doing anything on my own. My qualities of self-reliance, adaptive learning helped me changing my perspective towards my life and my relationships. I have become more understanding and open-minded from before. However, staying away from my family was not easy and felt their importance around me. Analysis After moving out of the family, I analyzed that in my extended family, they do not accept a woman staying outside the country and living alone. This thinking was a hinder in my career. However, I stood for myself and convinced my parents that the decision I made is the best for my career. I thanked my parents for supporting my decision and helped me learn a lot while staying abroad. I experienced that if I did not have this chance, I would never had the opportunity to develop the qualities of self- reliance, adaptive learning and be responsible. Conclusion I always thank my parents for supporting my decision that helped me develop the quality of self-reliance. I will choose any such decision again in the future to develop the positive quality of self-reliance. To be responsible for our own decisions and to learn from them is important for everyone (Sarason 2013). After moving out, I think, if this opportunity is given to any woman in my country, things would be better for them to achieve their life goals to become successful in their life. Action Plan I will try to develop and inculcate all the qualities that I have learnt from my experience to became a better person who knows how to live a hard life and to overcome the difficulties well. The quality of experienced learning from past life experiences help to adapt to new situations and deal problems in a better way (Kolb, D.A., 2014). I will always support the person living my experience and will do my best in every possible way for the women in my country so that they could live a better life. References Kolb, D.A., 2014.Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. FT press. Sarason, I.G. ed., 2013.Social support: Theory, research and applications(Vol. 24). Springer Science Business Media.
Marketing Plan Of New Game LLC Marketing Plan Sample - Click Now
Question: Discuss about The Marketing plan of New Game LLC (MNG) Organization. Answer: Executive Summary The mobile New Games LLC (MNG) Company develops the mobile games that are based on the current events. [1]On this marketing plan it will illustrates on the marketing strategies that are employed by the company to ensure they meet on the current opportunities in the market, they evaluate on the risks, the SWOT analysis, and to align the strategies in accordance with the overall objective of the company. Moreover, the market plan would focus on the various tactics in the implementation of the strategies. Some of these tactics are aimed on the scheduling, the aspect of costing, accountability and the responsibility of each individuals. Marketing strategies determination Marketing objectives This plan would provide an insight of the product awareness through the internet advertising through the website. There will also be promotion of the product once it has launched. Another objective of the plan is to generate revenue, which is over 300,000 dollars on terms of sales by the end of the year. SWOT Analysis On this aspect there was need to look at the SWOT analysis in order to determine the strengths, the weaknesses, the opportunities, and the threats. Strengths On the[2] New Games LLC product, strategy of differentiation is because of a strong marking orientation, the commitment to the high quality and the provision of the support services. Weaknesses On the weaknesses, there is lack of the diversification for both the products line and the users of the products. Depending on the current state of the market, there could be a breed of competition from other game companied. (Jain, Subhash and George 2009)There is also issue of the problems on the productivity of the products due to the season nature and the excessive stress from other individuals in the organization. Opportunities Because of the advancement in the technology, there is greater efficiency in the development of the games. In addition, there are greater avenues for advertisement of the products example at the internet, and the social media. The use of this method of advertisement there is creation of opportunities of the new clients. Threats There are issue of the outsourcing of the experts, the resizing of the company has caused headache on to the management, which has altered on the business growth(Cohen 2005). There is also the theft from the personnel the codes of a particular game especially the outsourced people. This issue has clearly indicated it is not easy to control and has posed great losses from the company especially when these individuals sells to the competitors the information. Target markets [3]The target market is for the customers who are at age of thirteen to twenty five years of age who enjoy playing the video games and they have a mobile phone that can be able to download. The market definition and segmentation The market plan is aimed to target two segments. The users of the game and the organization in which want to reach the customer. These customers enjoy the creative experiences that is offered by the games. Target market segmentation strategy The focus on the strategy is to develop on the initial set of the libraries, which contains the game attributes, which can be combined to the creation of a new game. On the launch of the first set of the games, the company will stay in touch with customer through the various online methods, like the social media. When the creation of the library market is done, the marketing aspect would be more effective. The plan of tactics In order to implement of each of the marketing strategy there is need to look at the different tactics to effect on the marketing. One of the aspect is the scheduling. On this aspect, it would be important to allocate the right time to launch the products. There is also the need to look at the cost of the marketing prospects. The company has laid a cost benefit plan of marketing of the products on the launch. Nonetheless, some of the employees have been given various role in the plan of the marketing of the product. This is so that to provide the accountabilities and to note the person who are responsible for each of the outcome. Marketing mix On the marketing mix, various strategy is employed. Some of them are the product strategy, the [4]distribution strategy, promotional and the pricing strategy. On the products strategy the company has produced high quality products of which are aimed at meeting on the consumer satisfaction. On the distribution strategy the company aims at distributing its products through online shop, more so on the apps store.(Cohen 2005) On the promotional strategy, the company will communicate with the customer through various ways example the social media. On the last strategy is the pricing strategy. On this strategy, the products would be priced according to the competition in the market. The price of the products would also be friendly to the target group of lovers of the games. Budget, schedule and monitoring The company will enjoy a steady increase in the sales if the plan is followed well for the next three year. In the figure below, it shows the sales by the year basis if the plan is implemented well. On the various parameter they show how there would be increase from the number of the games downloaded, the sponsorship and the custom games for the different corporations. [5]On the budget, the marketing expenses are for the staff who are required to do the activities of the marketing. There is a vast of the tools of the software that needs to be implemented on these activities. Part A Questions What are the four marketing options that could be included in the marketing plan? The marketing options that can be included in the plan are the place options, the product, promotion and the distribution options. On the product options, entails of what the customers want from that particular product or the service. (Cohen 2005)They need a product that would satisfy their needs. On the place option entails where the customer can buy or purchase the product or the service they need. If it is in a store, they asks themselves what kind of the store is it a supermarket, or the online store? On the price option, it entail the price of the product or the service the customer wish to buy. (Cravens, David and Nigel 2006)The customer needs to know the cost of the products and if there is a provision of a discount option. On the next option is the promotion, it look at where and when can one get across the marketing message to the targeted market. It is important to look at the audience that are intended the message and the platform to communicate it. List four different marketing strategies and marketing approaches The marketing strategies are the following; product strategies, promotion strategies, pricing strategies, and the position strategies. There are various marketing approaches as follows. The product approach or the commodity, the institutional approach, the functional and the decision making approach. Description of the components below ADMA Code of Practice The ADMA Code of Practice was initially developed in order to set the standards of the conduct for the direct marketers, the minimization of the risk of breaching the legislation, the promotion of the culture to the best practice(Mason 1906). Nonetheless, to serve as a benchmark in the settling of the disputes. This code set the required standard of the conduct for the participants to the direct marketing industry that is in relation to the individual and consumers. ii) The Australian E-commerce best practice Model On this model, it sets the standards for the consumer protection in e-commerce. It provides the industry the groups and the individual businesses with the voluntary model code of the conduct when dealing more with the consumers online. This is underpinned in the several areas of the legislative requirements. iii) Australian Government Policy Framework for Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce On this policy framework, it seeks to enhance on the consumer confidence in the electronic commerce by providing on the guidance to the business entity on how to deal with the consumers(Mason 1906). This is often used when they are dealing with the consumers when they are engaged to the business to consumer electronic commerce. The principles that are on this guideline are not mandatory but they provide the business, with the valuable guidelines in various areas to where consumer experience the electronic commerce. iv) Defamation, Copyrights and Privacy Laws The defamation law was essentially developed to provide the recourse for the people to whom reputation may likely to be harmed by the publication of the information about them. In essence, the defamation laws is to balance on the protection of the reputation of the individuals with the freedom of the speech. (Mason 1906)On the copyrights law it protects on the legally enforceable rights of the act of the creator and the artistic work. On the privacy law, it protects the individuals of their rights to keep their privacy information. Any information that is to be put on the internet needs to be consented with the permission of individuals. v) Regulation for Sweepstakes The regulation of the contests and some of the other promotional programs may involve the aspects of both the federal and the state law, which depend various factors that include the type of the promotion, which is being offered, and to the person of whom it is directed, and the value of the price given. vi) Anti-discrimination legislations [6]The Anti-Discrimination legislation laws is to create an equality that is between all the individuals through the aspect of the race, sexual, and any other discriminations. The discrimination laws are; the age Discrimination Act of 2004, the disability Discrimination Act of 1992, the racial Discrimination Act of 1975 and the sex Discrimination Act of 1984. On the Age Discrimination Act of 2004 is an act of the parliament of the Australia, which prohibits on the age discrimination in some of the areas like employment, the accommodation and the education. On the racial Discrimination Act of 1975 stipulates that racial discrimination occur under the circumstances of RDA when an individual is treated less fairly than another person is in similar circumstances because of their race, the color or even ethnical origin. It is against the law to discriminate based on these areas. (Mason 1906)The Disability Discrimination Act of 1992 law promote the rights of the individual with the disabil ity in certain areas example of the education, and the provision of the goods and the services. On the last legislation of the act is the Sex Discrimination of 1984.on this law it prohibits discrimination of the people against sex, gender identity, relationship, and the marital status. vii) Trades Practices Act 1974 The trade practices Act of the 1974 is a federal law, which deals with the aspects of the market. Some of this aspect are unfair practices in the market, safety of the products produced, monitoring of the price.[7] The essence of this law is to inhibit on the unethical practices from the competitors and provide the customers with the confidence when dealing in the business. viii) Equal Opportunity On the aspect it stipulates that all the people be treated equally or similarly without favor and without hampering of any of the artificial barriers or the prejudice. The aggregation of the policies and the practices in the employment of the people should not discriminate the people against basis of the race, the color, nationality, religion and the originality. Viiii) Free TV Australia on commercial Television Industry Code of the Practice On this code of practice, it reflects on the Australia modern digital media landscape, and upholds of the community standards and to ensure the appropriate viewer of the safeguards. The code draws on the extensive community consultation and it has been registered on the Australian communications and the media Authority. What are the main stages of the marketing Research Process The main marketing research processes are the following; one of the aspect is to define on the problem and the objectives. (Churchill, Gilbert and Dawn 2006)In understanding on the business problem, you will keep the research on to the focus. The second aspect is determination of the research design. The choice of the research instrument should be based on the data.(Cohen 2005) The third component is the design and preparation of the research instrument. This component entails the design of the tools of the research. The fourth components is collection of the is achieve through carrying of the interviews, surveys and the focus groups. The next step is to analyze the data. On analysis, entails use of the software example the SPSS, Excel and the Minitab. The last aspect is to visualize on the data and communication of the results. Discuss the Ansoff Matrix and the product Life Cycle. On the Ansoff Matrix is essentially a tool for the strategic planning which provide a framework in which help the executive, the marketers, and the managers in the devising of the strategies for the future growth in the organization. On the matrix, it suggests that the business would attempts to grow depending whether they are marketing new or the existing products in a new or a market that existed. (Jain, Subhash and George 2009)On the product life cycle is a component that is significant in the marketing. It essentially describes the stages in which the product passes from when the product it was essentially thought, for and when it was removed from the market. It is also important to note that note all the products that would reach the final stage, some of them will grow and other may rise or fall. (Jain, Subhash and George 2009)The sequence in which the product moves from these stages of growth, the maturity and the decline is what we call the product life cycle. Discuss the importance of SWOT analysis in a marketing plan. [8]The SWOT analysis is a model that analysis on the organizations, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat so that to create on the marketing strategy. It is important for the organization to identify on the things they can do or they cannot do. (Cohen 2005)The analysis of the SWOT analysis is important in the marketing plan since it would enable the organization to determine on the factors that are preventing the organization in the achievement of the objectives and the goal. It would enable to identify the opportunities, and the obstacles impeding the organization. Discuss the Market segmentation, the positioning and the branding. [9]Market segmentation refers to a marketing strategy that involves dividing on the broad market target into the subsets of the consumers, the business and the countries in which they are perceived to be. (Jain, Subhash and George 2009) The essence of the market segmentation is to identify on the target group of the customer and provide the information for the elements of the marketing plan. There are various types of the market segmentation they are; the geographical segmentation, the demographic segmentation, the behavioral segmentation and the psychographic segmentation. (Churchill, Gilbert and Dawn 2006)The market positioning entails the place in which the product occupy on the mind of the consumer relative to that of the competitor product. The positioning is perceived as the brand functionality element as compared to other of the brands. If the product positioning is effective it is likely, create a brand that is powerful and if poorly done the brand is ruined. On the branding, it refers to the process of the creation of the unique images for the product in the mind of the consumers. The branding is achieved through advertising campaigns through use of the themes that are systematic in relation to a particular product. The branding of a product helps in the establishment of the products that are differentiated in the market and they are able to attract the loyalty of the customers. Bibliography Churchill, Gilbert A., and Dawn lacobucci. Marketing research: methodological foundations. New York: Dryden Press, 2006. Cohen, William A. The marketing plan. John Wiley Sons, 2005. Cravens, David W., and Nigel Piercy. Strategic marketing. Vol. 7. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006. Jain, Subhash C. and George T. Haley. Marketing planning and strategy. Cincinnati South- Western Publishing Company, 2009. Mason, Sir Anthony. "Future Directions in Australian Law." Monash University Law Review 13, 1906: 149.
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