Friday, September 4, 2020
Effects of Globalisation on India China Relations Essay
There is a move in the idea of the relations among India and China from a simply territotial point of view in the post-freedom period to the monetary viewpoint in the post globalization and advancement period .This has brought about both positive and negative repercussions as a result of both state and non-state factors. Exchange: The exchange between the two nations has been expanding since the 1990s and has reached $67 billion in the current financial. Due to this , numerous individuals who are legitimately and in a roundabout way associated with the exchange have profited . For the most part the fare of essential articles like horticultural items have profited the minor ranchers. Globalization has helped balanced the misfortunes brought about during decreased household request and furthermore on account of higher net revenues in the universal market. MULTI POLAR WORLD: The significance of creating and industrialized nations after the globalization have expanded their bartering power in the universal field like environmental change gatherings, changes in the U.N, change of portion allotment in the IMF which were commanded by the created world previously.. In every one of these stages, India and China have acted together against the position of created nations and have helped other little nations and island countries on the whole advanced their commitments. SECURITY: Free development of work , capital and endeavor over the world requests better universalized security infrastucture.Both India and SCO are against the three security related issues fear mongering, fanaticism and rebellion. India needs to utilize the Regional Anti-psychological oppression Structure of the Beijing overwhelmed Shanghai Cooperation Organization . Additionally China can utilize the India’s banking division for their proposed SCO banking structure. As the two nations are interesred in Afghanistan’s mineral stores, there is a requirement for the two nations to diagram a crisis plan for managing common war like circumstance after the exit of US and NATO in 2014. The two nations are likewise engaged with sea security in the Indian sea and inlet territory to ensure their exchange sends the high oceans from Somali privateers. This has decreased the significance of regional fringe issues in the discourse between the two nations which is currently commanded by fixat ion on territories with shared interests. NEGATIVE IMPACTS: Equalization OF TRADE: Though the exchange between the two nations has been expanding, it is profoundly slanted for China. The exchange deficiency has arrived at a high of $27 billion this monetary. Likewise huge numbers of the areas like pharmaceutical and miniaturized scale and little ventures are not permitted to work together in China. The products of globalization isn't being shared similarly by all the areas since it resorts to exchange hindrances and arrangement of modest sponsorship to its hardware segment which ominously encourages them in the worldwide market. Regional PROBLEMS: In spite of the fact that there is less fringe related issues all things considered, globalization and remote ventures builds the regional issue in different territories like high oceans. Speculation by an Indian organization in association with Vietnam in the south China Sea has brought about provincial regional conflicts among China, Vietnam, Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan. SECURITY PROBLEMS: The defenselessness of the state and the individuals to digital fear based oppression and digital undercover work has expanded because of the nearness of Multi national organizations. As of late Huawei and ZTE have been kept from entering nations like US and Australia because of their enjoying digital state-supported secret activities. The security of the India is undermined because of the libealization and globalization. Both ought to guarantee one another of all conceivable security related measures during the barrier pastors exchange. In spite of the fact that Globalization has negative repercussions, it has turned the relations among India and China from negative to positive and has caused them to participate and facilitate on different fields and sectors.The opurtunites gave by new authority change ought to be utilized by India to fortify its inclinations and relations with China. . As skepticists state, both political and financial contemplations are significant and both ought to commonly drive India â€China relations to the advantage of the two sides.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Jack Roller
Diminish Wilke Professor Callais Analysis Paper February 11, 2013 The Jack Roller In the book The Jack Roller writer Clifford Shaw is a criminologist who has examined a wide range of young freaks to see precisely when the abnormality starts and how it develops. The book jumps profound into the psyche of a specific instance of a kid named Stanley in Chicago during the 1920’s. From the earliest starting point of the book Stanley is mishandled by his stepmother frequently being saved so she could tend to here real youngsters. I accept this book is most precisely delineates the social learning theory.Stanley has been presented to a large number of inspirational viewpoints of wrongdoing from his loved ones at a very youthful age. I bolster the clear record hypothesis on the grounds that in the earliest reference point of the book Stanley’s stepmother urges him to act in freak conduct. â€Å"One day my stepmother advised William to take me to the railroad yard to break into train units. †(52-53). So Stanley has been taken under the wing of his progression sibling who is taking stuff for there stepmother, consequently they are remunerated for taking. This is an ideal case of a presenting Stanley to an inspirational attitude toward crime.With this occurrence it launched Stanley’s freak conduct he started taking for entertainment only for a long time, continually being gotten by the police and taken to detainments homes which were a sorry discipline for him. Stanley appreciated being in the detainment home more than his genuine home so the ramification for his criminal conduct nearly was a compensation for him. In the confinement home, Stanley had the option to meet other criminal that besides gave him uplifting feedback of wrongdoing, â€Å"I was truly awed by the grit and intelligence of the more seasoned convicts. Their accounts of experience captivated my whimsical creative mind, and I felt attracted to them. (57). These criminal that S tanley met motivated him; they gave him somebody to admire, somebody that he could seek to be through wrongdoing. In the wake of being discharged Stanley was gotten by his progression mother just to flee once more to endure two or three days at that point be gotten by the police in the city. This procedure happened a huge number of times until in the end he was sent to the St. Charles School for Boys. â€Å"The severe order, hard discipline, no amusement, dread, and unreasonable breaks made life hopeless. †(68). St. Charles was the main negative ramification for his crimes.Stanley was completely hopeless there and longed to get out just to return to taking. In watching this book you understand that all Stanley knows is wrongdoing, he regularly is in and out of a vocation, and saves one for seldom longer than a month. Stanley knows only wrongdoing it has been engraved into his â€Å"clean slate†, and he has figured out how to get by off of it. In the wake of serving 16 months Stanley was discharged for St. Charles just to be captured not before long and return back to St. Charles for one more month. Subsequent to being discharged Stanley tries to gain his cash genuinely and goes however a huge number of jobs.He begins living with this stepsister, just to be kicked out on account of missing rent. He at that point meets an agreeable lady who brings him into her homes and allows him to live. Stanley appreciates the organization of this lady and utilizations her as fairly a passionate discharge, â€Å"This time I was not apprehensive, yet felt a flood of melancholy and trouble come over me, in light of the fact that a lady was offering me compassion; something I had never gotten. †(76). Stanley lived with this lady for about a month soon to discover she was a whore, in spite of the fact that he was stunned he didn't censure her for it and Stanley understood.He still left her to go to the YMCA just to come back to the confinement home. The col laboration with Stanley and the whore upholds the social learning hypothesis since it is presenting Stanley to his first mother figure that is a lawbreaker. The main positive female impact in all his years makes her living dependent on wrongdoing; one could perceive how this could effect such a receptive energetic psyche. In the end the VP of an organization he worked for took in Stanley, the man had no youngsters and was very wealthy.Stanley delighted in living with him and his significant other yet longed for the opportunity of his city, and at the primary open door get together his cash and fled. After this Stanley started to get associated with substantially more intricate robberies and â€Å" Jack Rolling†, he became with a â€Å"gang†of different young men and was making a lot of cash looting and taking. â€Å"So we carried out our specialty with a crying accomplishment for two months. Some of the time we made as much as 200 dollars in a solitary day. †( 97), this communicated a gigantic uplifting feedback of wrongdoing to Stanley.Stanley has never made this sort of cash in his life previously, it is considerably more fun and simpler as he would like to think than working a vocation and you can make substantially more than a vocation. In this book I trust Stanley was raised on an existence of wrongdoing, almost all that he was presented to gave an inspirational point of view toward this wrongdoing. He just never was presented to any genuine discipline before it was to late. The entirety of the benevolent individuals he met were crooks, for example, the whore and his group, he made a lot of cash â€Å"jack rolling†, and he appreciated the sense of self from his criminal record with all the regard it earned him from the youth.The social learning hypothesis underpins Stanley’s case since his family, companions, school, and his condition all guided him into an existence of wrongdoing. The other conceivable hypothesis I cou ld see one picking would be the control hypothesis, expecting that individuals are normally disposed to perpetrate wrongdoing could appear as though it could fit Stanley’s case. The explanation I didn't pick it is on the grounds that the condition that Stanley was in I feel made him. His stepmother, his kin and stepsiblings, the confinement home, his group, and individuals, for example, the whore every single affected greetings freak life an extraordinary sum. The Jack Roller Subside Wilke Professor Callais Analysis Paper February 11, 2013 The Jack Roller In the book The Jack Roller writer Clifford Shaw is a criminologist who has investigated various energetic degenerates to see precisely when the aberrance starts and how it develops. The book jumps profound into the brain of a specific instance of a kid named Stanley in Chicago during the 1920’s. From the earliest starting point of the book Stanley is manhandled by his stepmother regularly being saved so she could tend to here real youngsters. I accept this book is most precisely portrays the social learning theory.Stanley has been presented to a large number of inspirational standpoints of wrongdoing from his loved ones at an amazingly youthful age. I bolster the clear record hypothesis on the grounds that in the absolute starting point of the book Stanley’s stepmother urges him to act in freak conduct. â€Å"One day my stepmother advised William to take me to the railroad yard to break i nto train units. †(52-53). So Stanley has been taken under the wing of his progression sibling who is taking stuff for there stepmother, consequently they are compensated for taking. This is an ideal case of a presenting Stanley to an inspirational point of view toward crime.With this incident it launched Stanley’s degenerate conduct he started taking for the sake of entertainment for a long time, continually being gotten by the police and taken to detainments homes which were a sorry discipline for him. Stanley delighted in being in the confinement home more than his genuine home so the ramification for his criminal conduct nearly was an award for him. In the detainment home, Stanley had the option to meet other criminal that besides gave him uplifting feedback of wrongdoing, â€Å"I was truly awed by the grit and knowledge of the more established law breakers. Their accounts of experience interested my infantile creative mind, and I felt attracted to them. (57). The se criminal that Stanley met propelled him; they gave him somebody to admire, somebody that he could seek to be through wrongdoing. In the wake of being discharged Stanley was gotten by his progression mother just to flee once more to endure a few days at that point be gotten by the police in the city. This procedure happened a large number of times until inevitably he was sent to the St. Charles School for Boys. â€Å"The exacting control, hard discipline, no entertainment, dread, and out of line breaks made life hopeless. †(68). St. Charles was the primary negative ramification for his crimes.Stanley was totally hopeless there and longed to get out just to return to taking. In watching this book you understand that all Stanley knows is wrongdoing, he habitually is in and out of an occupation, and saves one for once in a while longer than a month. Stanley knows only wrongdoing it has been engraved into his â€Å"clean slate†, and he has figured out how to make due of f of it. In the wake of serving 16 months Stanley was discharged for St. Charles just to be captured not before long and return back to St. Charles for one more month. In the wake of being discharged Stanley tries to procure his cash sincerely and goes however a huge number of jobs.He begins living with this stepsister, just to be kicked out as a result of missing rent. He at that point meets a benevolent lady who brings him into her homes and allows him to live. Stanley appreciates the organization of this lady and utilizations her as to some degree a passionate discharge, â€Å"This time I was not apprehensive, however felt an influx of despondency and misery come over me, on the grounds that a lady was offering me compassion; something I had never gotten. †(76). Stanley lived with this lady for about a month soon to discover she was a whore, in spite of the fact that he was stunned he didn't censure her for it and Stanley understood.He still left her to go to the YMCA jus t to come back to the confinement home. The association with Stanley and the whore implements the social learning hypothesis since it is presenting Stanley to his first mother figure that is a crook. The main positive female
Friday, August 21, 2020
Journalism In The Digital Era
News-casting In The Digital Era The appearance of the World Wide Web in the realm of news-casting has prompted vulnerability and disarray, except if somebody is certain whether this change ought to be a wellspring of expectation or franticness. There is by all accounts accord just around a significant inconsistency: that we live in the best of times for news coverage and furthermore the most exceedingly terrible. There has never been a superior time to make composed reporting, and there has never been a more awful to win a living out of it. There are more chances and market than any time in recent memory, yet less pay dependent on industry patterns. The decay pattern is experienced across significant national paper, for example, the Washington Post, distributer of the paper and Newsweek magazine, which detailed in 2009 a final quarter benefit fell by 77 percent as publicizing deals declined and a recorded the estimation of certain advantages. The pattern is higher in United States, where it is regularly where we see significant patterns to begin occurring before we see the effect in the remainder of the world. The image isn't looking exceptionally encouraging since the normal number of papers sold has tumbled from 62 million to 49 million since the Internet propelled back in 1990s and it began to get available to all. Numerous papers have been compelled to quit imprinting on paper because of benefit misfortune. In a similar period, the quantity of perusers of computerized news coverage at United States has elevated from zero to 75 million. In the other hand income produced from publicizing, which is the essential income of news-casting on paper, has diminished benefits drastically, which has brought about a lot of excusals or, for the individuals who have had more karma, of early retirement. A fascinating certainty with regards to this procedure is that there are really a lot more perusers, yet a horrendous weight on target and assets. Thus the Post and The New York Times have lost cash since 2008 without precedent for a long time and dependent on industry forecasters with a worrier standpoint, anticipate that a lot more issues are to come. What's more, despite the fact that the equivalent is valid on practically all segments of the economy, the distinction lies in that the matter of news-casting has gotten a twofold stun since it is additionally being affected by the u pheaval of the Internet. The innovation headways and advancements have been a portion of the drivers of what we called as globalization which is helping in numerous parts of our general public and yet has made a worldwide emergency which is quickening the inescapable effect of the computerized transformation. There are numerous industry specialists who concur that there is no power fit for forestalling the eradication of the news coverage, on paper, yet as an idea, yet in the other hand there are additionally numerous who accept that it will simply vanish in the manner that we realize it to turn out to be absolutely nearby news coverage sort of Facebook or even simply become papers of a more noteworthy worldwide reach. In any case, the unavoidable issues that no one is by all accounts ready to reply; how might we keep making benefit with news coverage? Or then again would it simply vanish? It is critical to take a gander at the comprehensive view since this is something other than t he endurance of a division from our economy. Papers have assumed a focal job in the public eye in the course of recent years. They influence by affecting in the influence of governments, the cash from the organizations and the amusement of our general public. For that equivalent explanation a considerable lot of those equivalent gatherings have likewise discussed what will what's to come resemble? All in all there are three principle bunches concocting their comprehension of what's in store for reporting: one that comprehends the manner in which we know paper during the most recent 200 years will absolutely vanish, the other one is the one that trusts it will re-imagine and roll out significant improvements and modify, adjust and grasp new patterns, and the other one which isn't clear what actually the future will hold. Dirt Shirky, who is an American author, specialist and educator on the social and monetary impacts of Internet advancements, is certain that there is truly very litt le that should be possible. He asserts; There is no model to supplant what Internet has quite recently crushed. It is extremely evident that media correspondence has been at the core of the unrest, and the difficulties produced by the presentation of the Internet, and despite the fact that it was evident during the most recent two decades that they needed to adjust and transform, they have not been cleared on what the future plan of action of news coverage in the computerized period should resemble. The main thing which is clear is that the present plan of action of news coverage can't be saved. In the other gathering we have individuals like Bill Keller, executive of The New York Times, who inclinations to survey all the choices, and put everything under a magnifying glass. In light of specialists conjectures, the future paper will turn into a blend of printed and on the web, where content development online remunerate the decay of print media. Another industry master is Earl J. Wilkinson, official executive of the International Newsmedia Marketing Association. Wilkinson is progressively moderate and has come up to the resolution that the demise of the paper is one of the extraordinary misrepresentations coming from the monetary breakdown of today. Another industry master is Philip Bennett, who has directed research for The Washington Post to examine computerized equations to forestall the vanishing of the news coverage business, and he isn't in understanding that nothing, nothing works. He stated: I accept that the period of the paper is done, that the discussion should co ncentrate not on the endurance of the paper, yet in the endurance of reporting as we have comprehended. The United States conversation on the fate of news coverage is progressively adverse, however it is essential to remember that it is additionally here in US where more individuals approach the web. A comparable marvel is seen in the United Kingdom. To go to the next extraordinary, in China, India and Africa, where access to the system is as yet held for a favored minority, the discussion isnt so disturbing, and the job of reporting the manner in which we have consistently knew it, is still truly reasonable. What's going on in United States should fill in as a notice about what will occur in Europe and the remainder of the world. There is no motivation to assume that if huge American papers for about 200 years shut and are currently progressing to online media, this wont be a pattern that we could see across different nations. There have been other industry specialists who have confidence in the significance to follow and comprehend open understanding examples. They accept that so as to turn out to be progressively compelling in the business and begin catching income, it will be basic to print increasingly methodical, and with increasingly content adaptability. They include that specific days the paper may focus on specific issues; for instance Mondays can be devoted to have more space beginning with the principal page, to sports. Papers will abandon its act of losing cash in the languid days and focus its assets on the solid days. There is additionally a solid contention which is imperative to be considered in the discussion, and it is the point around the individual paper and close association with the peruser. This is something that the most recent innovation can't build up, even with fuel, and the new instruments to understand books. In some exceptionally fascinating manners, perusing media is related and turns out to be a piece of people character. It is an individual relationship with an item which thus gets social. Would this be able to kind of relationsh ip be made outside of the printing paper with an item? We have seen comparable associations with telephone mobiles which are additionally questions. The danger to papers will be at one time a comparative relationship is built up with an article which individuals feel is a decent substitute to the paper. One extra test we have to investigate is the elements that we are finding in media which individuals like Robert Thomson (executive of The Wall Street Journal) call Web destinations parasites. For instance, significant papers make enormous speculation to think of a last item which is a story composed by a journalist in the opposite side of the world just to see it shows up in a split second and for nothing in one of the innumerable Internet entrances. Another test for journalistic substance on the Internet is phone organizations that offer access to the system. In the interim, the individuals who have put cash into the last item wind up losing it or at the end of the day not amplifyi ng their venture. Every one of these patterns have had a calamitous effect on many significant papers. The Seattle Post Intelligencer, with 146 years of life, killed their as of late printing machines, diminishing its drafting of 167 just to 20 editors restricting just to create, an advanced paper. The Christian Science Monitor, San Francisco Chronicle, because of decrease in supporters, is another case of significant papers which needed to close business or change to a computerized position. The issue, and what takes us back to the unavoidable issue of how to continue making benefit with news-casting, is that so far it has demonstrated that advanced publicizing isn't drawing nearer almost to the gainfulness of promoting in paper. As indicated by an examination by the Pew Research Center, to change from papers print arrangement to only an online plan of action intends to lose 90% of salary. The significant issue is to characterize and set up a plan of action since there is extremely none. The test is to change the creation model of the paper, making it to keep on keeping the high edges of productivity accomplished since its creation. How we can continue bringing in cash? How to keep news coverage alive? This is a worldwide upheaval that we are living, and maybe answers to these inquiries could be found in the supposed nations being developed, where the nonattendance of old structures are compelled to begin without any preparation, to make new organizations adjusted to todays mechanical reality, not the ones of the modern insurgency. An alternative that has been proposed with eagerness in
Hotel Paris Training Program Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Inn Paris Training Program - Case Study Example It is obvious from the conversation that the CFO group should think of a coordinated data innovation preparing framework that offers a far reaching intelligent stage to representatives at various divisions inside the association. In that capacity, it would give a significant probability and assorted variety for each worker to offer help at each division at whatever point there is a need (253). Since the enlistment of workers isn't an assurance to an immediate presentation, it is fundamental for Lisa and Hotel Paris preparing division to structure a proper preparing program. Such a program will empower newcomers to comprehend the association from a more extensive perspective right from the history to strategic dreams of things to come. Additionally, the association ought to adjust the preparation procedures towards accomplishing the hierarchical objectives and destinations. In this way, it will be extremely simple to recognize employee’s conduct directly from the time an indivi dual joins the establishment and decide the value for the progressiveness of a hierarchical accomplishment (224). From the examination, it very well may be settled that Lisa and the CFO didn't complete appropriate examination learning why there existed a fall in Hotel Paris Training program. For example, Hotel preparing office just spends a small amount of preparing term when contrasted with different organizations. The CFO just felt free to suggest for the improvement of a different preparing program that did not have a consultative methodology towards accomplishing the upper hand of Hotel Paris. The authoritative preparing warning group ought to have considered leading an alternate preparing need examination to recognize what representatives need to top off occupation opportunities.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
What You Should Know About the New AP Linguistics Rubric
What You Should Know About the New AP Linguistics RubricToday's AP Lang Exam is a new rubric, which should be easy for students to understand. The new rubric focuses on the role of students in using their native language and helps them to understand the whole application process from the beginning of the year until they are successfully finished with the course.The new rubric in AP Linguistics has helped students understand what role students play in the course as well as the critical concepts involved in the course. With the new rubric, students can now easily read the topics, understand the definitions, and see how they apply in real life situations. Moreover, they can also read the actual assignments and get acquainted with the new applications.Furthermore, the new rubric offers detailed descriptions of the used in the paper, which are all written in both English and the native language. These papers are rich in information and therefore provide very clear explanations of the topi cs that are being covered. The knowledge about the meanings of the words helps students understand the concept and how they are used in the course.The new AP Linguistics rubric, especially, the 'Academic Emphasis on Language: The Role of Students in the Course,' stresses the importance of students learning how to use the subject matter in a different context. This way, students can become much more useful when they get into the final exam and even when they finish the course. They will know what they have to do to succeed.The rubric was revised after many years of testing and used by hundreds of universities and schools and therefore, there are many student samples for the students to choose from. Students can either read and study them on their own or they can read it to themselves in the form of short studies, audios, CDs, MP3s and other media.The new AP Linguistics rubric has also made the classes more fun and easier to understand. The essays are now used in a way that they bring great communication skills. The new essay answers, which are used in the advanced level of the AP Linguistics course, help students to answer all the questions they have in their mind and thus, become more dynamic in their writing.The essay results in the AP Linguistics courses also help students to highlight their talents and skill in writing, so that they can excel in the subject matter, no matter whether they have years of experience or not. If they think that they need help with the essays, they can access AP essay help online.The essay help is also available for students who are having difficulties writing the essay. The help is given because of the integration of the essay in the AP Linguistics courses.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Depiction Of Dysfunctional Family In OConnors Novel - Free Essay Example
This paper is intended to talk about overall research on a short story A Good Man is Hard to find written by Flannery OConnor. Basically, it gives an overview on the story and also made arguments over the topics. The paper is written for fiction essay deliverable. Adversity is a good discipline. A good man is hard to find is one of the famous short stories written by Flannery OConnor. In this short story A good man is hard to find. Though not complicated at least on the surface, is rather difficult to understand for readers who have little knowledge of the authorrs religious and philosophic ideas. It talks about a familyrs vacation tragically ended by a murderer and his gang. After a meddlesome Grandmother tries to insist that the family go to Tennessee instead of Florida, it was in fact through her own insistence that prompted the family stray from the main path in search of some false, lose treasure. This deadly decision caused the family to fall prey to the Misfit. A Good Man is Hard to Find The Grandmother, who is the one and only dynamic character, represents all of us who have repented. The Grandmother is obsessed with everything worldly and superficial; she cares far too much about how others perceive her. And the Misfit is a wanted criminal who stumbles upon the family when they crash their car in the woods. Also, he does not see himself as a terrible person. His two henchmen kill the entire family, and the Misfit shoots the grandmother himself. There are three phases of thought for the Grandmother. During the first phase, which is in the beginning, she is completely focused on herself in relation to how others think of her. The Second Phase occurs when she is speaking to The Misfit. In the story, The Misfit represents a quasi-final judgment. He does this by acting like a mirror. He lets whatever The Grandmother says bounce right off him. He never really agrees with her or disagrees, and in the end, he is the one who kills her. His second to last line, She would of been a good woman, The Misfit said, if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life,. Might be the way OConner felt about most of us alive, or how she felt that God must feel about us. The Misfit observes this shift and seems to realize what it means, if the grand mother could have lived her life at gunpoint, so to speak, she could have gained the self-awareness and compassion that she would lacked. The third and final phase of The Grandmother is the moment of redemption. She finally sees The Misfit for who he really is, a person just like her. He is not someone who was made by his social class. He is a simple human being just like her. At this point she sees herself in relation to everyone else. She finally realizes that she is not made by her class. Society makes the class, and she just fits into it. She shows this by claiming that The Misfit could be one of her own beloved children. OConnorrs symbolism throughout the story represents faith and death. The fact that the family had strayed from the main path onto an unimportant side road, where they were killed, symbolizes how people often stray from Jesus and follows the wrong path spiritually. It was in this town that the grandmother thought the old plantation was. This was where she became sidetracked, again like her faith in Jesus. In the car, John Wesley and June Star were playing a game by guessing the shape of the clouds in the sky. The clouds represent the grandmotherrs superficial faith. She dressed herself with the purple spray of flowers just in case she died. It was as if she were taking death lightly. It was when she knew she was going to die that the grandmother started to desperately preach the gospel to the Misfit. At the end of the story, there were no clouds. The Misfit commented, Arent a cloud in the sky, Dont see no sun but dont see no cloud neither. The clouds had faded away and the sky was em pty, just like the grandmotherrs faith was empty. The graveyard in the plantation is a concrete symbol of death, and the quote, It was a big black battered hearse like automobile, symbolizes that their transportation to death had arrived. The grandchildren, the Misfit and in the end Jesus Himself support this theme. At the beginning of the story the grandmother states, I wouldnt take my children in any direction with a criminal like that aloose on it. I couldnt answer my conscious if I did. Suddenly she is put in the situation of trying to answer her conscious by falsely trying to convince herself and the Misfit that he is a good man. When the Misfit plainly admits, Nome, I aint a good man, she resorts to Jesus. The Misfit then blames Jesus for his actions. He tries to compare Jesus to himself by commenting that Jesus threw everything off balance and was punished for sins he didnt commit just like the Misfit was punished for crimes he didnt commit. But in the end the theme carries on that even A Good Man is Hard to Find in Jesus because the Misfitrs unworthy comparison of himself with Jesus caused the killing rampage. The grandmotherrs false hope in Jesus seemed to crumble when He did not save her again, thus showing in a religious sense that A Good Man is Hard to Find In the story A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor starts out by giving a look at a dysfunctional family on a vacation, but ultimately, gives insight into ourselves as well as the nature of good and evil, how they can clash, and how they can co-exist, even in the same person, In my opinion, OConnor taps into the subject of religion and if everyone would find Jesus, the cultures morals, values, respect and humanity could again become intact.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Cyberbullying Is A Recent Problem Among Youths And Their...
Cyberbullying has become a recent problem among youths and their families. Children go online, and through social media are harassed, degraded, and ostracized, usually by their classmates. This is an epidemic that needs to be stopped, but demanding the schools to do the bidding of other, more qualified individuals is not the way to fix the situation. Cyberbullying is not the school’s issue to solely handle because it happens out of their jurisdiction, it causes further issues for both parties, and there are better solutions to this problem other than a school suspension. Schools should focus on what happens in the school and on school grounds, not about what happens when the student goes home. The only reason schools should do something about cyberbully is if it happens on one of their computers or over their Wi-Fi. Moreover, students mainly do the cyberbullying, while on their devices at home, on their own Wi-Fi. This means that schools no longer have any jurisdiction or say so in what goes on in the student’s life after they step off of campus. This is because the responsibility lies with local authority and the child’s parents/guardians, not the school’s authority. The school’s main priority should be to provide quality education and a safe, productive environment for everyone on campus. Parents are responsible for their children while they are under their care and they are the people who must take action in lieu of their children, either going to law enforcement orShow MoreRelatedSocial Media Bullying And Cyberbullying1383 Words  | 6 Pagesincreasing problem in our society for some time, social media has made it possible to have access to individuals with no respite. There seems to be no escape from constant ridicule and body shaming, we are seeing an increase in many psychological issues not only in our young people but adults as well. I am going to attempt to share and explain to you how social media has a major rol l in how we view our body image as well as the role it plays in bullying. Social media bullying is called Cyberbullying. CyberbullyingRead MoreMaking Schools Safer From Bullying1510 Words  | 7 Pagesyou ever been bullied or witnessed anyone suffering from any form of bullying? If the answer is yes, then you should know the negative feeling that is created from it. The Youth Internet Safety Survey, conducted by the Crimes against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, found that eight percent of the youth surveyed had experienced and reported some form of harassment.†An old familiar saying is that â€Å"Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me†, whichRead MoreCyber Bullying Among Our Children1617 Words  | 7 Pagesacknowledge that their words can cause unintentional harm. Ones intentions, accompanying the state of their behavior, are important factors in deciding whether or not cyberbullying occurred. Occasionally being mean is accidental, but when kids use the Internet and cell phones to purposely upset someone else over and over, thats cyberbullying. Advice kids to establish affinity for others. Talk to your kids and explain to them that the Internet is a community that only operates well when all of its citizensRead MoreBully Report Bshs 325861 Words  | 4 PagesBullying during adolescence has been a major issue in every community. Bullying can happen in three known forms; direct, indirect, and cyber. Both gender and sexual orientation are associated with all forms of bullying. Bullying affects self-esteem and family cohesion. Bullying affects a person physically, mentally, and emotionally. During adolescence, people go through a developmental process that is very fragile and easily manipulated. Bullying steals a person’s identity. If bullying is present duringRead MoreBullying : A Serious Social Problem886 Words  | 4 PagesFormerly thought to be just a normal aspect of growing up, bullying in schools is increasingly being recognized as a serious social problem that should be met with organized preventative efforts to downsize it. Bullying commonly deals with three aspects such as the nature of its occurrence, the frequency it takes place, and the effects it can have on a person. While each instance is different for each person, one constant is that this is a uncomfortable situation for anyone to deal with. BullyingRead MoreThe Safety Of Adolescents While Using The Internet1635 Words  | 7 PagesThe Internet is quickly and widely diffusing into society as a whole, especially into families, as a result, a large proportion of adolescents have access to and make use of the Internet daily, (where adolescence refers to the teenage years of a person’s life). Statistically speaking, surveys conducted by the YISS (Youth Internet Safety Survey) state that, 95 percent of adolescents studied have used the internet at least once in their lives and 83 percent of the adolescents surveyed have access toRead MoreEssay on Effects of Bullying 1232 Words  | 5 Pagesof using an advantage over someone, such as strength or position of power, to force upon that individual the bully’s will. Bullying as a whole can be subdivided into categories; physical bullying, emotional bullying, parental bullying, and cyberbullying, among others. Physical bullying most generally occurs in schools when a student intimidates another student, whether it be to get their lunch money or just to impress the bully’s friends. Physical bullies almost always tend to instigate fights whic hRead MoreNegative Effects Of Bullying1232 Words  | 5 Pagescontinuing problem that has affected individuals from their childhood and continuing well into adulthood. Consequences of bullying are vast in their potential to negatively impact the person s physical, emotional, and psychological state of well being. The poor management of stress brought by the onset of bullying affects social health both short term and long term foreshadowing numerous potential risk factors and actions. Prevalent issues in victims include higher chances of mental health problems damagingRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects1411 Words  | 6 Pageslouder†has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologies is widening the way bully’s can torture their victims. The fact of the matter is, technology i s not going anywhere, so we need to figure out a way to put an end to cyber-bullies. Cyber-bullying is becoming a major problem and we all need to do our parts inRead MoreThe Social Issues Affecting Our Children1304 Words  | 6 PagesAn Introduction of the Topic One of the top social issues affecting our children in schools is bullying. In recent reports, one out of every four students reports being bullied during school (National Center for Education Statistics, 2015). Bullying is very important to me because I have been bullied through my schooling career. I remember how it was not only the bullies that made my time in elementary hard but also the bystanders that did nothing to stop them or stand up for me. This issue has definitely
Monday, May 18, 2020
Prompts That Support Instruction and Independence
Independence, completing a task or exhibiting a behavior without prompts or cues, is the gold standard of special education. The kind of support we give students to help them succeed in special education is called prompting. The level of support falls on a continuum, with the most invasive and furthest from independence, to the least invasive, or the closest to independence. The prompts at the least invasive end is also the easiest to fade, or slowly withdraw, until the child is accomplishing the task independently. The most severely cognitively, multiply or developmentally disabled students may need very high levels of what is called â€Å"hand over hand†support. Still, kids with specific learning disabilities who may have attention deficit disorder with some reading and math difficulties may need prompting to stay on task and complete tasks. They are just as prone to become â€Å"prompt dependent,†which may leave them incapable of achieving the gold standard: independence. Because of â€Å"prompt dependence†it’s important that a special educator understands how to work across the continuum, from hand over hand, the most invasive, to gestural prompts, the least invasive. As the teacher moves across the continuum, the teacher is â€Å"fading†prompts toward independence. We review the continuum here: Hand over Hand This is the most invasive of the prompts, and is often only required for the most physically disabled students. The teacher or coach may actually place his or her hand over the students hand. It isn’t necessarily just for the most physically disabled student: it works well with young students on the autism spectrum, older autistic students with unfamiliar tasks like sweeping, and even younger students with immature and undeveloped fine motor skills. Hand over hand can be faded by lightening your touch to a simple touch on the back of a hand or arm to guide the student though the task. Physical Prompts Hand over hand is a physical prompt, but physical prompts can include tapping the back of a hand, holding an elbow, or even pointing. Physical prompts may be accompanied by verbal prompts. As the verbal prompts stay in place, the teacher fades the physical prompt. Verbal Prompts These are most familiar. We tell the student what to do: sometimes step by step, sometimes with more detail. Of course, if we talk all the time, our prompts get ignored. You can also design verbal prompts to fade from most complete to least complete. Example: â€Å"Bradley, pick up the pencil. Bradley, put the point on the paper. Circle the correct answer. Good job, Bradley: Now, let’s do number 2. Find the correct answer, etc. . . .†Faded to: â€Å"Bradley, you have your pencil, your paper and we have done these before. Please circle each answer and put your pencil down when you are done.†Gestural These prompts should begin with a verbal prompt: they are easy to fade and are the least invasive. Be sure you don’t become so used to your verbal prompts that all you’re doing is running your mouth. Shorten those prompts and trust the gesture, whether it’s pointing, tapping or even winking. Be sure the student knows what you are requesting with the prompt. Gestural prompts are especially successful with kids with developmental or behavioral problems. Alex, who is featured in the article on making your own social narrative, sometimes forgot and would drool. I taught my wife, his teacher, to touch her chin with her forefinger to remind him: Soon all she had to do was move her hand a certain way, and he remembered. Visual Prompts These prompts can be paired with other prompts initially, and as they are faded, the simple visual prompt can remain. Typical (children without disabilities in general education programs) also benefit from visual prompts. Teachers have noted that children will reference the place on the wall where a graphic organizer for a specific skill used to be, noting that the mere act of remembering where the visual prompt was on the wall helps them remember the CONTENT of the prompt! Independence: The goal. The continuum: Hand over Hand -- Physicalâ€â€Verbalâ€â€Gesturalâ€â€Independence.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Report On Energy Industry - 1614 Words
Energy Industry Focus on Renewables Ian Baynes – BUS376A – Sustainable Marketing Green technology is booming, yet a worldwide decrease in green spending has taken place for a second year in a row. According to a report done by Frankfurt School and sponsored by Bloomberg Finance, worldwide green spending for the fiscal year 2013 was $216 billion. U.S. Spending alone peaked to $50.8 billion in 2011 (CNN), before dropping to its current level of $36 billion (Frankfurt). There is a treasure-trove of funding for green innovation and increased productivity. However, due to negative global economic conditions, companies are going to have to fight harder than ever for the decreasing availability of precious green dollars. This funding battle is†¦show more content†¦As renewable technologies continue to improve in functionality, availability, efficiency, affordability, and practicality, so does interest in the technology. People are starting to have practical access to new green technologies that were simply not viable in the past. This reality resonates with th e mainstream populace not because they can now save the world, but because they can also save themselves money at the same time. For example, solar panels are especially desirable because they can save the consumer money on their electricity bill. Washers that use recycled water from previous loads are increasingly desirable because they can save lots of water. Electric cars that can go over 250 miles on a charge--such as the Tesla--can save the consumer thousands of dollars in gas costs and offer practical, convenient, and cheap transportation. Convenience and viability have a huge role in turning sustainable renewable energy into a reality. Society has noticed the new reality of convenient sustainable technology and is willing to act. Technological Advances in renewable energy technology provide a promising outlook for what lies ahead. In this case, the ends of utilizing rare-earth metals, fossil fuels, and other finite resources may justify the means. A large hurdle corresponding to current renewable energy technologies is their
Social Support Learning and Development
Question: Discuss about the Social Support for Learning and Development. Answer: I was living in Saudi Arabia with my parents. I was dependent on my parents for everything. I had no ability of self-reliance as being a woman; I could do anything in my country. When, I moved to Canada for my higher studies, I gradually developed the quality of self-reliance and never looked down on myself. I believed that the quality of self-reliance would definitely help me in my nursing practice in the future. Thoughts I was happy that I had an excellent opportunity to study abroad and discover a real new world around me. At the same time, I was feeling pity for the women in my country that they had to rely on their parents for everything. They did not have a chance to develop the quality of self-reliance. I was happy realizing about the transformation between my old self and the new one. When I started staying in Canada alone in an apartment managing my bills and money, I inculcated the qualities of self-reliance and adaptive learning useful in my nursing practice as a patient adapts to ones disease and find a positive way to live with it. Evaluation After moving out of my country and staying alone in abroad, I developed the qualities of self-reliance and believed that I was capable of doing anything on my own. My qualities of self-reliance, adaptive learning helped me changing my perspective towards my life and my relationships. I have become more understanding and open-minded from before. However, staying away from my family was not easy and felt their importance around me. Analysis After moving out of the family, I analyzed that in my extended family, they do not accept a woman staying outside the country and living alone. This thinking was a hinder in my career. However, I stood for myself and convinced my parents that the decision I made is the best for my career. I thanked my parents for supporting my decision and helped me learn a lot while staying abroad. I experienced that if I did not have this chance, I would never had the opportunity to develop the qualities of self- reliance, adaptive learning and be responsible. Conclusion I always thank my parents for supporting my decision that helped me develop the quality of self-reliance. I will choose any such decision again in the future to develop the positive quality of self-reliance. To be responsible for our own decisions and to learn from them is important for everyone (Sarason 2013). After moving out, I think, if this opportunity is given to any woman in my country, things would be better for them to achieve their life goals to become successful in their life. Action Plan I will try to develop and inculcate all the qualities that I have learnt from my experience to became a better person who knows how to live a hard life and to overcome the difficulties well. The quality of experienced learning from past life experiences help to adapt to new situations and deal problems in a better way (Kolb, D.A., 2014). I will always support the person living my experience and will do my best in every possible way for the women in my country so that they could live a better life. References Kolb, D.A., 2014.Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. FT press. Sarason, I.G. ed., 2013.Social support: Theory, research and applications(Vol. 24). Springer Science Business Media.
Marketing Plan Of New Game LLC Marketing Plan Sample - Click Now
Question: Discuss about The Marketing plan of New Game LLC (MNG) Organization. Answer: Executive Summary The mobile New Games LLC (MNG) Company develops the mobile games that are based on the current events. [1]On this marketing plan it will illustrates on the marketing strategies that are employed by the company to ensure they meet on the current opportunities in the market, they evaluate on the risks, the SWOT analysis, and to align the strategies in accordance with the overall objective of the company. Moreover, the market plan would focus on the various tactics in the implementation of the strategies. Some of these tactics are aimed on the scheduling, the aspect of costing, accountability and the responsibility of each individuals. Marketing strategies determination Marketing objectives This plan would provide an insight of the product awareness through the internet advertising through the website. There will also be promotion of the product once it has launched. Another objective of the plan is to generate revenue, which is over 300,000 dollars on terms of sales by the end of the year. SWOT Analysis On this aspect there was need to look at the SWOT analysis in order to determine the strengths, the weaknesses, the opportunities, and the threats. Strengths On the[2] New Games LLC product, strategy of differentiation is because of a strong marking orientation, the commitment to the high quality and the provision of the support services. Weaknesses On the weaknesses, there is lack of the diversification for both the products line and the users of the products. Depending on the current state of the market, there could be a breed of competition from other game companied. (Jain, Subhash and George 2009)There is also issue of the problems on the productivity of the products due to the season nature and the excessive stress from other individuals in the organization. Opportunities Because of the advancement in the technology, there is greater efficiency in the development of the games. In addition, there are greater avenues for advertisement of the products example at the internet, and the social media. The use of this method of advertisement there is creation of opportunities of the new clients. Threats There are issue of the outsourcing of the experts, the resizing of the company has caused headache on to the management, which has altered on the business growth(Cohen 2005). There is also the theft from the personnel the codes of a particular game especially the outsourced people. This issue has clearly indicated it is not easy to control and has posed great losses from the company especially when these individuals sells to the competitors the information. Target markets [3]The target market is for the customers who are at age of thirteen to twenty five years of age who enjoy playing the video games and they have a mobile phone that can be able to download. The market definition and segmentation The market plan is aimed to target two segments. The users of the game and the organization in which want to reach the customer. These customers enjoy the creative experiences that is offered by the games. Target market segmentation strategy The focus on the strategy is to develop on the initial set of the libraries, which contains the game attributes, which can be combined to the creation of a new game. On the launch of the first set of the games, the company will stay in touch with customer through the various online methods, like the social media. When the creation of the library market is done, the marketing aspect would be more effective. The plan of tactics In order to implement of each of the marketing strategy there is need to look at the different tactics to effect on the marketing. One of the aspect is the scheduling. On this aspect, it would be important to allocate the right time to launch the products. There is also the need to look at the cost of the marketing prospects. The company has laid a cost benefit plan of marketing of the products on the launch. Nonetheless, some of the employees have been given various role in the plan of the marketing of the product. This is so that to provide the accountabilities and to note the person who are responsible for each of the outcome. Marketing mix On the marketing mix, various strategy is employed. Some of them are the product strategy, the [4]distribution strategy, promotional and the pricing strategy. On the products strategy the company has produced high quality products of which are aimed at meeting on the consumer satisfaction. On the distribution strategy the company aims at distributing its products through online shop, more so on the apps store.(Cohen 2005) On the promotional strategy, the company will communicate with the customer through various ways example the social media. On the last strategy is the pricing strategy. On this strategy, the products would be priced according to the competition in the market. The price of the products would also be friendly to the target group of lovers of the games. Budget, schedule and monitoring The company will enjoy a steady increase in the sales if the plan is followed well for the next three year. In the figure below, it shows the sales by the year basis if the plan is implemented well. On the various parameter they show how there would be increase from the number of the games downloaded, the sponsorship and the custom games for the different corporations. [5]On the budget, the marketing expenses are for the staff who are required to do the activities of the marketing. There is a vast of the tools of the software that needs to be implemented on these activities. Part A Questions What are the four marketing options that could be included in the marketing plan? The marketing options that can be included in the plan are the place options, the product, promotion and the distribution options. On the product options, entails of what the customers want from that particular product or the service. (Cohen 2005)They need a product that would satisfy their needs. On the place option entails where the customer can buy or purchase the product or the service they need. If it is in a store, they asks themselves what kind of the store is it a supermarket, or the online store? On the price option, it entail the price of the product or the service the customer wish to buy. (Cravens, David and Nigel 2006)The customer needs to know the cost of the products and if there is a provision of a discount option. On the next option is the promotion, it look at where and when can one get across the marketing message to the targeted market. It is important to look at the audience that are intended the message and the platform to communicate it. List four different marketing strategies and marketing approaches The marketing strategies are the following; product strategies, promotion strategies, pricing strategies, and the position strategies. There are various marketing approaches as follows. The product approach or the commodity, the institutional approach, the functional and the decision making approach. Description of the components below ADMA Code of Practice The ADMA Code of Practice was initially developed in order to set the standards of the conduct for the direct marketers, the minimization of the risk of breaching the legislation, the promotion of the culture to the best practice(Mason 1906). Nonetheless, to serve as a benchmark in the settling of the disputes. This code set the required standard of the conduct for the participants to the direct marketing industry that is in relation to the individual and consumers. ii) The Australian E-commerce best practice Model On this model, it sets the standards for the consumer protection in e-commerce. It provides the industry the groups and the individual businesses with the voluntary model code of the conduct when dealing more with the consumers online. This is underpinned in the several areas of the legislative requirements. iii) Australian Government Policy Framework for Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce On this policy framework, it seeks to enhance on the consumer confidence in the electronic commerce by providing on the guidance to the business entity on how to deal with the consumers(Mason 1906). This is often used when they are dealing with the consumers when they are engaged to the business to consumer electronic commerce. The principles that are on this guideline are not mandatory but they provide the business, with the valuable guidelines in various areas to where consumer experience the electronic commerce. iv) Defamation, Copyrights and Privacy Laws The defamation law was essentially developed to provide the recourse for the people to whom reputation may likely to be harmed by the publication of the information about them. In essence, the defamation laws is to balance on the protection of the reputation of the individuals with the freedom of the speech. (Mason 1906)On the copyrights law it protects on the legally enforceable rights of the act of the creator and the artistic work. On the privacy law, it protects the individuals of their rights to keep their privacy information. Any information that is to be put on the internet needs to be consented with the permission of individuals. v) Regulation for Sweepstakes The regulation of the contests and some of the other promotional programs may involve the aspects of both the federal and the state law, which depend various factors that include the type of the promotion, which is being offered, and to the person of whom it is directed, and the value of the price given. vi) Anti-discrimination legislations [6]The Anti-Discrimination legislation laws is to create an equality that is between all the individuals through the aspect of the race, sexual, and any other discriminations. The discrimination laws are; the age Discrimination Act of 2004, the disability Discrimination Act of 1992, the racial Discrimination Act of 1975 and the sex Discrimination Act of 1984. On the Age Discrimination Act of 2004 is an act of the parliament of the Australia, which prohibits on the age discrimination in some of the areas like employment, the accommodation and the education. On the racial Discrimination Act of 1975 stipulates that racial discrimination occur under the circumstances of RDA when an individual is treated less fairly than another person is in similar circumstances because of their race, the color or even ethnical origin. It is against the law to discriminate based on these areas. (Mason 1906)The Disability Discrimination Act of 1992 law promote the rights of the individual with the disabil ity in certain areas example of the education, and the provision of the goods and the services. On the last legislation of the act is the Sex Discrimination of 1984.on this law it prohibits discrimination of the people against sex, gender identity, relationship, and the marital status. vii) Trades Practices Act 1974 The trade practices Act of the 1974 is a federal law, which deals with the aspects of the market. Some of this aspect are unfair practices in the market, safety of the products produced, monitoring of the price.[7] The essence of this law is to inhibit on the unethical practices from the competitors and provide the customers with the confidence when dealing in the business. viii) Equal Opportunity On the aspect it stipulates that all the people be treated equally or similarly without favor and without hampering of any of the artificial barriers or the prejudice. The aggregation of the policies and the practices in the employment of the people should not discriminate the people against basis of the race, the color, nationality, religion and the originality. Viiii) Free TV Australia on commercial Television Industry Code of the Practice On this code of practice, it reflects on the Australia modern digital media landscape, and upholds of the community standards and to ensure the appropriate viewer of the safeguards. The code draws on the extensive community consultation and it has been registered on the Australian communications and the media Authority. What are the main stages of the marketing Research Process The main marketing research processes are the following; one of the aspect is to define on the problem and the objectives. (Churchill, Gilbert and Dawn 2006)In understanding on the business problem, you will keep the research on to the focus. The second aspect is determination of the research design. The choice of the research instrument should be based on the data.(Cohen 2005) The third component is the design and preparation of the research instrument. This component entails the design of the tools of the research. The fourth components is collection of the is achieve through carrying of the interviews, surveys and the focus groups. The next step is to analyze the data. On analysis, entails use of the software example the SPSS, Excel and the Minitab. The last aspect is to visualize on the data and communication of the results. Discuss the Ansoff Matrix and the product Life Cycle. On the Ansoff Matrix is essentially a tool for the strategic planning which provide a framework in which help the executive, the marketers, and the managers in the devising of the strategies for the future growth in the organization. On the matrix, it suggests that the business would attempts to grow depending whether they are marketing new or the existing products in a new or a market that existed. (Jain, Subhash and George 2009)On the product life cycle is a component that is significant in the marketing. It essentially describes the stages in which the product passes from when the product it was essentially thought, for and when it was removed from the market. It is also important to note that note all the products that would reach the final stage, some of them will grow and other may rise or fall. (Jain, Subhash and George 2009)The sequence in which the product moves from these stages of growth, the maturity and the decline is what we call the product life cycle. Discuss the importance of SWOT analysis in a marketing plan. [8]The SWOT analysis is a model that analysis on the organizations, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat so that to create on the marketing strategy. It is important for the organization to identify on the things they can do or they cannot do. (Cohen 2005)The analysis of the SWOT analysis is important in the marketing plan since it would enable the organization to determine on the factors that are preventing the organization in the achievement of the objectives and the goal. It would enable to identify the opportunities, and the obstacles impeding the organization. Discuss the Market segmentation, the positioning and the branding. [9]Market segmentation refers to a marketing strategy that involves dividing on the broad market target into the subsets of the consumers, the business and the countries in which they are perceived to be. (Jain, Subhash and George 2009) The essence of the market segmentation is to identify on the target group of the customer and provide the information for the elements of the marketing plan. There are various types of the market segmentation they are; the geographical segmentation, the demographic segmentation, the behavioral segmentation and the psychographic segmentation. (Churchill, Gilbert and Dawn 2006)The market positioning entails the place in which the product occupy on the mind of the consumer relative to that of the competitor product. The positioning is perceived as the brand functionality element as compared to other of the brands. If the product positioning is effective it is likely, create a brand that is powerful and if poorly done the brand is ruined. On the branding, it refers to the process of the creation of the unique images for the product in the mind of the consumers. The branding is achieved through advertising campaigns through use of the themes that are systematic in relation to a particular product. The branding of a product helps in the establishment of the products that are differentiated in the market and they are able to attract the loyalty of the customers. Bibliography Churchill, Gilbert A., and Dawn lacobucci. Marketing research: methodological foundations. New York: Dryden Press, 2006. Cohen, William A. The marketing plan. John Wiley Sons, 2005. Cravens, David W., and Nigel Piercy. Strategic marketing. Vol. 7. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006. Jain, Subhash C. and George T. Haley. Marketing planning and strategy. Cincinnati South- Western Publishing Company, 2009. Mason, Sir Anthony. "Future Directions in Australian Law." Monash University Law Review 13, 1906: 149.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Integrating Poetry into a Learning Process
Poetry plays an important role in a learning process, specifically when poems are applied to teaching various disciplines. Although children sometimes prefer narrative verses to the lyrics ones, they can contribute greatly to improving pronunciation and spelling, as well memorizing various terms.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Integrating Poetry into a Learning Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is very important for teachers to introduce poetry in an oral form for children to develop their reading and speaking skills. Rhythm and rhyme, therefore, are crucial for attracting children attention and engaging them into accomplishing various assignments. Using rhythmic patterns allows children to develop a new understanding of various issues in reading, as well as invent new means of comprehension. Poetry, as an emotionally colored means of written text, comprises imagery and sound that contribute to advance ment of children’s intellectual and response mechanisms. Therefore, due to such important attributes of poetry, as rhythm, repetition patterns, and rhyme, children can significantly promote their understanding of complicated terms. More importantly, it also contributes to their memorizing skills. The interaction between children and poetry is characterized by strong materials (Glazer and Williams 271). These comprise good plots, rich settings, well-developed characters, vital and educative themes, and artistic styles that employ bold and creative language (Glazer and Williams 279). This element of novelty is developed by the author, who first understands and comprehends the nature of the audience, or the child age bracket (Glazer and Williams 282). The authors then proceed to prepare the content. It is a common argument among children poets that they create good pieces, irrespective of whether the children like them or not. According to Glazer and Williams (284), authors argu e that their compositions are built of strong materials, and the likes and silikes of children cannot be used as a basis for determingn the quality of the literatur. They further claim that poetry should be judged as literature on its own merit, and children should them be given the most appropriate literature (Glazer and Williams 298).Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lukens defines poetry as a concise, intense, and flamboyant type of literary work that employs the elements of sound and language to develop emotion and targeted notions. Poetry is aimed at developing emotional intensity through the use of rhythmic or figurative language. All forms of poetry, including children poetry use various styles to bring out the intended emotion. These styles include: â€Å"alliteration, metaphors, similes, symbolism, personification, assonance, consonance, allusion, onomatopoeia, in ternal rhyme, and rhyme scheme†(Likens 8). There are various forms of poetry including narrative poems, free verse, ballads, diamante, and cinquam. While considering poetry language and its value for developing children’s comprehension and memory, specific emphasis should be placed on literary and figurative devices. In particular, literary images include tactile, auditory, visual, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory ones where figurative tools are composed of such stylistic devices as metaphor, personification, and simile (Russell 50). These qualities can help children broaden imagination and acquire new experience in operation various notions. Poetry language, therefore, is a powerful skill in exploring new dimensions of learning approaches. Visual tools represented in poem can help children to see the objects and describe them in the most effective way whereas tactile devices appeal to children’s sense of touch (Russell 50). Auditory skills can also be deve loped by reading and listening to poems. For instance, the poetic texts can allow children to distinguish a variety of animal sounds. Finally, there are poems performing kinesthetic functions that refer mostly to motions and actions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Integrating Poetry into a Learning Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Such poetic works are helpful in case they are combined with the actions mentioned in the poem. The introduction of rhythmic patterns is helpful because they promote children memorizing skills. In this respect, poetry language can be indispensible to learning new figures in mathematics, natural phenomena, or the names of animals. Using metaphors, simile, and personification complements the meaning of the poetic works, as well as provide children with greater understanding of how various phenomena could be explained. Children are not attracted to reading as easily as grownups; therefore, their reading materials should not include difficult terms or abstract concepts. According to Hillman (34), poems and other literary works that are targeted at children display five key features. First, their characters are either children or portray childlike characteristics. Second, their context is based on typical childhood experiences that are expressed from a child’s perspective. Third, they use straightforward and direct plots that focus on the action or intended emotion. Fourth, they send out an image of innocence and optimism, such that they leave the audience emotional and happy. Fifth, they are based on both real and fictional events in order to enhance the sense of imagination. These characteristics are common among children authors since they portray the way that adults converse with children, using short and simple texts. Over the past few decades, there has been increased interest in the features of children poetry, which has led to a lot of research in that field (Russell 34). One of the areas under study involves the typical methods used to express children’s poetry.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These include vivid illustrations, humorous narrative, and simple and memorable lines. According to Russell (50), most of children’s poetry uses simple words and lines that children can comprehend and use in their activities. Complex terms and nonfigurative notions in poetry tend to discourage children from advancing their interest and comprehension of the concepts of poetry. Since children have low education level and minimal life experience, any poetry directed at them should have straightforward wording and language that the children can grasp with ease. Children still have a lot to learn, and their comprehension for poetry is still undeveloped. Children are more attracted to poetry that is written in their language compared to poetry that uses profound language that is beyond their age. Hence, children can only be interested in literary work that uses simple language to explain the idea, image, and action in poetry. Russell (58) also notes that children link poetry to fun , hence, children should find poetry amusing for them to be interested in it. Humor is a vital component that authors use to seize the attention of children and cause them to read. Children’s poetry is most successful in getting through to the readers if its combines simple words to describe situations that are familiar to the children with humorous narrative. Russell (62) states â€Å"children love silly nonsense that tickles their funny bones†to emphasize the vital role of humor in children poetry. For children authors to appeal to children with their poems, they need to consider the element of entertainment in the form of humor, since children are open and willing to try out fun things. Another area that has attracted a lot of research is the literary devices employed in children’s poetry. Such elements include lively imagery, rhythm and rhyme, personification and word-play. While rhythm and rhyme make the poems melodious, fun and easy to remember, lively im agery stimulates the various senses when children are reading poems (Lukens 76). Studies claim that imagery is one of the most valuable devices in children’s poetry (Lukens 76). In addition, research shows that children pay a lot of attention to imagery in poetry. Lukens (75) states that imagery is the most recurrently employed literary device, and most essential in the development of the setting and mood of the poem. Imagery also aids in enhancing the understanding of a concept and stretches the insight of the children when reading the poem (Lukens 86). Russell suggests that personification is a vital element in children’s poetry, especially for the very young. Personification involves the issuing of human qualities to inanimate objects, which makes poetry lively and attractive to children readers. Instances of personification such as a dancing cat or a talking car appeal to the animalistic view of children since it allows them to relate to poems that have both human and inanimate characters (Russell 91). Word play is also a vital component of children’s poetry that allows children to make up words as part of their learning process. Word-play employs the manipulation of words that make up the poem in a playful manner in order to appeal to the children. Children poems should aim at encouraging children to play with words, which add both humor and delight to the reading process. Word-play is most useful when reading the poems aloud, which enhances the pleasure of listening and uttering the words. Such sound patterns as rhythm and rhyme are inherent components that allow children to work out strategies for memorizing notion, definitions, and word combinations. Use of alliteration, consonance, assonance, and repetition provides more perspective for reading comprehension, as well as allows children to define which syllables are stressed and which ones are not. Other literary elements that are used in children’s narratives include plot, characterization, style, setting, theme, and point of view. Poems do not employ all these elements, though the ones used like theme and plot help to develop a memorable reading experience. Plots are vital in constructing the conflict, which builds the narrative to a happy ending in order for it to e appealing to the children. According to Lukens (99), plots involve a struggle that is overcome. These struggles can be in the form of person verses person, nature, society, or self (Likens 102). Based on the entities involved in the struggle, authors can employ the element of personification to portray diverse views of the scenario. Themes are vital elements that determine whether the children find it easy to understand the flow of the poem. Most of the themes considered in children’s poetry involve simple life experiences that they are familiar with. This allows them to relate to true experiences or familiar thoughts as the authors encourage them to use the element of imagery. Th e content of a poem can be based upon an experience like playing with friends, playing a video game, or facing punishment from parents. Such themes that provide content which is familiar to the children are useful in making successful children poetry. The development of children is based on the ideas of freedom and emotion that are expressed in their learning material (Glazer and Williams 301). As a result, authors should focus on delivering literature that is valuable in enhancing the productivity of the children. The focus of researchers on children literature is due to the challenges faced by authors who prepare their reading material. The content for children literature does not employ intricate concepts and vocabulary like that used for adult reading material. Hence, studies revolving around the appeal of children literature, and especially poetry, have revealed interesting concepts. The studies analyzed in this paper focus on the characteristics of children’s poetry bas ed on the analysis of techniques used to obtain the appropriate content. The deduction obtained emphasize on the use of familiar situations to develop themes and content for the poems, in order for the children to identify with them. In addition, there are specific expression techniques that appeal to children such as simple and memorable lines, humorous narrative, personification, and imagery. Lastly, authors also consider the plot and theme of the poems, since this provides the environment where the various styles like rhyme and word-play can be employed appropriately. Verses do not necessarily focus on explaining certain meanings and definitions. Rather, there are poems that seek to deliver comic themes that do not have sense, but which should be read by children to explain what rhyme, rhythm, and meter mean (Russell 52). The children poetry, therefore, can be used in form of a play to amuse children and attract their attention. With regard to the above-presented characteristics, poems can represent various themes and topics, including the once originating from real life and the ones coming from history (Russell 52). There are also narrative poems that cover story poems based on themes about various characters and plots and lyric poetry that is premised on ancient Greek poetry. Due to the variety and great availability of poetry, teachers heavily employ it in a learning process. Reading poetry aloud is among the most efficient strategies because children’s oral language forms the basis for later development of literacy. Reading activities should be based on understanding meaning, as well as all unknown words (Russell 52). Attention should also be given to punctuation, stress, and rhythmic patterns. It is also important to use poems for dramatic performance. Use of special effects, as well as decorations, can enhance children’s motivation to take part in the activity. Choral poetry is another approach that can be applied by teacher to encourage children’s participation. Incorporating gestures, movements, and body language will help children understand how to work in teams. Choral pronunciation of poetry can also teach children to adjust to the rhythm. In addition, there could be various options while reading poems in groups, including solo, unison, or three-to-five people groupings. During such activities, perfection of pronunciation and sense of rhythm should be the main purpose. Once all the approaches and activities are properly managed, children may proceed with making up simple verses, which also contributes to the development of imagination. In conclusion, such qualities of poetry as rhythm, rhyme, as well as use of imaginary and figurative devices, contribute to learning experience of children. Specifically, teachers can introduce various activities, including reading aloud, pronouncing words, and developing performances. Integrating poetry into a learning process is indispensible to developing children†™s memorizing skills and enhancing their understanding of various notions that relate to auditory and visual phenomena. Applying poem to learning various disciplines, therefore, can contribute to broadening children’s imagination. Overall, poetic language is much simpler than prose narrative because it has repetitive patterns. Works Cited Glazer, Joan I. and Gurney Williams. Introduction to Children’s Literature. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 1979. Print. Hillman, Judith. Discovering Children’s Literature 3rd Edition. New Jersey; Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall, 2003. Print. Lukens, Rebecca J. A critical handbook of children’s literature. London: Good Year, 1986. Print. Russell, David. L. Literature for children: A short introduction. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2005. Print. This essay on Integrating Poetry into a Learning Process was written and submitted by user Maya D. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Gatbys Symbols Essays - The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
Gatbys Symbols Essays - The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald Gatbys Symbols Searching for Symbolism -HS 1. The valley of ashes represents a modern world, which, like a grotesque hell created by the industry of factories and trains and has polluted America with its waste. The valley symbolizes a world whose inhabitants are so spiritually lost they, like Myrtle, begin to worship money and wealth. The frontier promise has been corrupted by the lies of greed and the emptiness of a dream based on wealth. 2. The eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg represent Fitzgeralds feeling that God and religion had taken a less substantial role in comparison with the gods that wield the powers of wealth, status, and greed. The character has a godly presence associated with him and is confused by Wilson as such. The billboard represents a God who has been created by modern society to make money. 3. Green in the story is the color of promise, of hope, renewal and ultimately the color to which Gatsby will stretch his arms for. He makes the color the embodiment of his dream for the future; to reunite with Daisy is that dream. Through the light he strives for a better world where the longing in his heart for Daisy is fulfilled. 4. The owl-eyed man represents the truth behind a hidden facade for the purpose of material superiority, as was the case with Gatsby and the books in the library. He also symbolized the possibly of world based not on materialism but intellect as he is the only one out of the partygoers to come to Gatsbys funeral. 5. Gatsbys boyhood schedule tells the determination that Gatsby has had for all things materialistic but in the end he is destroyed by his materialistic illusions of Daisy, just as the fresh American frontier was converted into the valley of ashes and the green light becomes nothing but a bulb at the end of Daisys dock. 6. Daisy's character is enhanced by Fitzgerald's use of the color white to indicate Daisy's freshness and innocence. Fitzgerald evokes two meanings of white: one is the traditional meaning of purity; the second is the empowerment of whiteness. Daisy represents both privilege and purity. The use of white helps to characterize her as the unattainable enchanted princess who becomes incarnate as Gatsby' s dream. 7. Gatsbys gold colored tie and silver shirt signify the attempt that Gatsby made to show tht he was of the old wealth. But the green apparent in the book contrasts in a significant way. In old times people used gold as a means for exchange, but as a national currency was established green money replaced the gold and gold was no longer backed the dollar. So, gold represents the old money and green represents the new. In the same way, gold symbolizes Daisy and Toms old money and green symbolizes Gatsbys new money. One can arrive to the conclusion to say that Gatsby is green and Tom is gold. He wore the gold tie and silver shirt because he wanted to present himself to Daisy as being a part of the old wealth. 8. Gatsbys dream is the symbolic representation of the views that Fitzgerald holds about the genuine American experience. The corruption of Gatsbys dream; with materialism as its means and the illusion of promise as its goal, is the corruption of American Idealism, which in turn becomes the empty promise. Copyright 2000-95630
Sunday, March 1, 2020
True Phrasal Adjectives and Imposters
True Phrasal Adjectives and Imposters True Phrasal Adjectives and Imposters True Phrasal Adjectives and Imposters By Mark Nichol Phrasal adjectives, the sets of words that combine to modify a noun, can be tricky. Usually, words in phrasal adjectives are hyphenated to signal their interrelationship, but there are exceptions, and confusion often arises when phrases resemble but do not constitute phrasal adjectives. In English grammar, the assumption is that two adjacent nouns constitute a description of a single entity unless the first noun is hyphenated to a preceding adjective to form a phrasal adjective. For example, in â€Å"They earned their third straight regular season victory that day,†the reference appears to be to a season victory that is regular. Attaching the adjective regular to the noun season with a hyphen clarifies that the reference is to a victory that pertains to the regular season: â€Å"They earned their third straight regular-season victory that day.†Why not hyphenate â€Å"third straight†as well? The phrase modifies â€Å"regular-season victory,†but â€Å"third straight†is not a phrasal adjective; the noun is the phrase â€Å"straight victory,†and third modifies the entire phrase (not just straight), which in turn modifies â€Å"regular-season victory.†To see why this is so, replace the entire phrase â€Å"third straight regular-season victory†with any phrase beginning with an ordinal number followed by an adjective and then a noun (a phrasal adjective in place of â€Å"regular-season†is irrelevant): â€Å"first full sentence,†â€Å"second tall man,†and so on; no hyphenation is called for. The full sentence is the first one, and the tall man is the second one. But isn’t this the same type of construction as seen in â€Å"The team achieved the third-highest score in the franchise’s history,†in which â€Å"third-highest†is correctly hyphenated because it modifies score? No. â€Å"Third highest score†refers to the third in a series of highest scores, but that’s not what this sentence is referring to; the reference is to a score that is third highest. Also, in â€Å"The win snapped their opponents’ sixteen-game home winning streak,†â€Å"sixteen-game†correctly modifies â€Å"home winning streak.†But why isn’t â€Å"home winning†itself hyphenated to indicate that it’s a phrasal adjective modifying streak? Because it’s not a phrasal adjective. The modifier in this sentence is home, modifying the noun phrase â€Å"winning streak.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Spelling Test 1Capitalization Rules for Names of Historical Periods and Movements6 Foreign Expressions You Should Know
True Phrasal Adjectives and Imposters
True Phrasal Adjectives and Imposters True Phrasal Adjectives and Imposters True Phrasal Adjectives and Imposters By Mark Nichol Phrasal adjectives, the sets of words that combine to modify a noun, can be tricky. Usually, words in phrasal adjectives are hyphenated to signal their interrelationship, but there are exceptions, and confusion often arises when phrases resemble but do not constitute phrasal adjectives. In English grammar, the assumption is that two adjacent nouns constitute a description of a single entity unless the first noun is hyphenated to a preceding adjective to form a phrasal adjective. For example, in â€Å"They earned their third straight regular season victory that day,†the reference appears to be to a season victory that is regular. Attaching the adjective regular to the noun season with a hyphen clarifies that the reference is to a victory that pertains to the regular season: â€Å"They earned their third straight regular-season victory that day.†Why not hyphenate â€Å"third straight†as well? The phrase modifies â€Å"regular-season victory,†but â€Å"third straight†is not a phrasal adjective; the noun is the phrase â€Å"straight victory,†and third modifies the entire phrase (not just straight), which in turn modifies â€Å"regular-season victory.†To see why this is so, replace the entire phrase â€Å"third straight regular-season victory†with any phrase beginning with an ordinal number followed by an adjective and then a noun (a phrasal adjective in place of â€Å"regular-season†is irrelevant): â€Å"first full sentence,†â€Å"second tall man,†and so on; no hyphenation is called for. The full sentence is the first one, and the tall man is the second one. But isn’t this the same type of construction as seen in â€Å"The team achieved the third-highest score in the franchise’s history,†in which â€Å"third-highest†is correctly hyphenated because it modifies score? No. â€Å"Third highest score†refers to the third in a series of highest scores, but that’s not what this sentence is referring to; the reference is to a score that is third highest. Also, in â€Å"The win snapped their opponents’ sixteen-game home winning streak,†â€Å"sixteen-game†correctly modifies â€Å"home winning streak.†But why isn’t â€Å"home winning†itself hyphenated to indicate that it’s a phrasal adjective modifying streak? Because it’s not a phrasal adjective. The modifier in this sentence is home, modifying the noun phrase â€Å"winning streak.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Spelling Test 1Capitalization Rules for Names of Historical Periods and Movements6 Foreign Expressions You Should Know
True Phrasal Adjectives and Imposters
True Phrasal Adjectives and Imposters True Phrasal Adjectives and Imposters True Phrasal Adjectives and Imposters By Mark Nichol Phrasal adjectives, the sets of words that combine to modify a noun, can be tricky. Usually, words in phrasal adjectives are hyphenated to signal their interrelationship, but there are exceptions, and confusion often arises when phrases resemble but do not constitute phrasal adjectives. In English grammar, the assumption is that two adjacent nouns constitute a description of a single entity unless the first noun is hyphenated to a preceding adjective to form a phrasal adjective. For example, in â€Å"They earned their third straight regular season victory that day,†the reference appears to be to a season victory that is regular. Attaching the adjective regular to the noun season with a hyphen clarifies that the reference is to a victory that pertains to the regular season: â€Å"They earned their third straight regular-season victory that day.†Why not hyphenate â€Å"third straight†as well? The phrase modifies â€Å"regular-season victory,†but â€Å"third straight†is not a phrasal adjective; the noun is the phrase â€Å"straight victory,†and third modifies the entire phrase (not just straight), which in turn modifies â€Å"regular-season victory.†To see why this is so, replace the entire phrase â€Å"third straight regular-season victory†with any phrase beginning with an ordinal number followed by an adjective and then a noun (a phrasal adjective in place of â€Å"regular-season†is irrelevant): â€Å"first full sentence,†â€Å"second tall man,†and so on; no hyphenation is called for. The full sentence is the first one, and the tall man is the second one. But isn’t this the same type of construction as seen in â€Å"The team achieved the third-highest score in the franchise’s history,†in which â€Å"third-highest†is correctly hyphenated because it modifies score? No. â€Å"Third highest score†refers to the third in a series of highest scores, but that’s not what this sentence is referring to; the reference is to a score that is third highest. Also, in â€Å"The win snapped their opponents’ sixteen-game home winning streak,†â€Å"sixteen-game†correctly modifies â€Å"home winning streak.†But why isn’t â€Å"home winning†itself hyphenated to indicate that it’s a phrasal adjective modifying streak? Because it’s not a phrasal adjective. The modifier in this sentence is home, modifying the noun phrase â€Å"winning streak.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Spelling Test 1Capitalization Rules for Names of Historical Periods and Movements6 Foreign Expressions You Should Know
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Cayce Pollard and the significance of logos and advertizing in pattern Essay
Cayce Pollard and the significance of logos and advertizing in pattern recognition - Essay Example In the book, â€Å"Pattern Recognition,†by William Gibson, there is a direct reference to aesthetics and how these link to logos and advertising. This is defined by the perspective of Cayce Pollard and her ability to recognize the meanings that are surrounding the various logos and ads. Identifying the advertising and logos and seeing how this relates to communicating different ideas is important not only in the identity of Cayce Pollard and in the ideologies behind trends. The logos become significant with the ability to show how the perspectives which Cayce holds also influence the basic functions and patterns in society and what is expected from various individuals. The Story of Cayce Pollard as a Cool Hunter The characteristics of Cayce are one which is able to point out and define logos, colors, trends and fashions from the aesthetic viewpoint. Cayce is important in the book because of these recognitions and the ability to take the regular images, logos and trends and allows them to stand out. This concept is one which can be defined as a cool hunter, meaning that the character has the capability of finding trends through images and knowing what works and what only becomes segmented into the pattern. The pattern is defined as an image that states the same message or level of communication through the color, shapes and other ideas that are represented. In Cayce’s understanding, there are very few logos that stand out, which is what causes them to become patterns. For instance, when looking at a variety of fragrances, Cayce is given the special slant of needing to find something that stands out while noticing that all follow repetition in the communication and message that is used. â€Å"Zaprudered into surreal dimensions of purest speculation, ghost narratives have emerged and taken on shadowy but determined lives of their own, but Cayce is familiar with them all, and steers clear†(Gibson, 24). This example shows how Cayce recognizes the patterns of logos, advertisements and the sameness that each brings, while trying to find something which stands out from the usual aesthetic repetition. The approach which Cayce takes begins with finding the denotational meaning, or symbolism. The symbolism is based on finding the colors of various objects, all which are used to describe and signify something about an individual, trend or logo. This is combined with the belief that each item which one has tries to say something or several things to create meaning. This is noted from the beginning when Cayce introduces her fashion as well as other comparisons and how this relates to patterns of how one thinks and acts. â€Å"Dorotea may have attempted to out  œ minimalize her this morning, Cayce decides. If so, it hasn’t worked. Dorotea’s black dress, for all is apparent simplicity, is still trying to say several things at once, probably in at least three languages†(Gibson, 10). The symbolism which is seen from the viewpoint of Cayce includes color for simplicity, making statements with styles and trends and using this to convey a specific message in different languages. The denotational meanings Cayce finds leads to her being a cool hunter, meaning that she can find something that stands out from regular patterns. She has the natural ability to see trends and ideas that continue to make specific statements about an individual or company. The second way in which Cayce creates meaning and becomes a cool hunter is by looking at the connotative meaning. This is done by looking the words, ideas or the significance behind different concepts or objects. Cayce believes that this is able to show more than the basic and super ficial ideologies, but moves into deeper levels of the object. For instance, wh
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